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💻 Programming/웹프로그래밍

Ajax 란? - Ajax 시작하기

AJAX가 뭘까요? 

AJAX는 Asynchronous Javascript And Xml의 약자입니다.

이름에서 알 수 있듯이 비동기식 자바스크립트와 XML을 말합니다. 

이름에 XML이 나오기는 하지만 XML을 알 필요는 없습니다.  

AJAX를 사용하기 위해서는 기본적으로 HTML과 Javascript를 알고있어야 합니다.

그럼 가장먼저 AJAX가 어떻게 동작하는지에 대해서 알아보도록 할까요?

AJAX는 아래와 같은 순서를 거칩니다.

1. 클라이언트(IE 7+, 크롬, 사파리, 파이어폭스, etc. )에서 XMLHttpRequest객체를 생성하고 메시지를 담아 서버로 보낸다.

2. 서버에서 메시지를 받으면 메시지에 해당하는 정보를 읽어서 다시 브라우저한테 응답해준다.

3. 클라이언트 브라우저가 서버로부터 응답을 받으면 해당 정보를 특정 영역에 refresh해준다.

AJAX를 사용함에 있어서 가장 기본은 XMLHttpRequest 객체입니다. 이 객체는 서버로부터 데이터를 전송받을 때 사용이 됩니다. ( IE 5, 6 버전에서는 ActiveXObject 라는 객체가 사용됩니다. )

그럼 이 객체를 어떻게 만드는지 예제를 통해서 알아보겠습니다.

예제1 - XMLHttpRequest 객체 생성하기

var xhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
    xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    } else {
    // code for IE6, IE5
    xhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
연습하기 »

자, 이제 객체를 생성했으니까 이 객체를 이용해서 메시지를 서버로 전송해야겠죠?

다음 포스팅에서 서버로 메시지를 전송해보도록 하겠습니다.

이클립스 사용시 웹앱 프로젝트를 처음 만들면 이 에러를 볼 수 있습니다.

이 에러는 서블릿 클래스가 클래스 빌드패스에 잡혀있지 않아서 발생하는 문제입니다.

아래와 같이 해결하시면 됩니다.

Project Properties-> Java Build Path-> Add Library -> Select "Server Runtime" from the list-> Next->Select "Apache Tomcat"-> Finish

💻 Programming/CSS

[CSS] 1. CSS란 ?

안녕하세요~ 이번에는 CSS에 대해서 알아볼텐데요~


CSS가 뭔지를 알려면 뭐의 약자인지부터 알아봐야 겠죠?


CSS는 Cascading Style Sheets의 약자입니다. 캐스케이딩 스타일 시트. 스타일이라는 단어라 들어갔으니 뭔가 스타일링하기위한 어떤거라고 생각해볼 수 있으려나요?  


CSS는 html태그내의 속성값들을 따로 분리해서 저장해놓기 위해서 사용이 됩니다.


왜 따로 저장해놓을까요??


여러 페이지에서 적용이 되야하는 스타일값들을 분리해서 저장해놓고 여러 페이지에서 그냥 호출해서 사용하기 때문에 재사용성이 높아지고 똑같은 속성을 타이핑해야하는 수고도 덜 수 있으며 시간도 단축될 것이고 유지보수도 쉬워지겠죠?


그래서 점점 html내의 속성들이 사라지고 대신 CSS를 이용하는 것이 표준이 될거라는 말도 있습니다.

(2020년 현재 이미 그렇게 되어버렸습니다. html 내에 inline style을 정의해서 쓰는 일은 거의 없죠)



그러면 기본적인 문법을 여기서 한번 짚고 넘어가볼까요??


에이 그냥 다음에 알아보기로 하죠 ㅋㅋ

기본적으로 오라클에는 특수기호에 대해서 검사를 하고 대체할 수 있도록 정의를 해놓은 것이 있는데 이 중에 특수기호 '&'도 포함이 되어있다. 

따라서 insert into table1 values ( 'a & b'); 라는 문장을 실행하면 SQLDeveloper에서는 대체문자를 설정하라고 팝업창이 뜬다.

처음에는 이게 뭐지? 하고서 그냥 엔터를 쳤었는데 나중에 보니 그렇게 엔터쳤던 것 때문에 insert할 때 &가 공백으로 바뀌어져서 내용이 들어가있었다.

그런데 이렇게 특수기호가 들어간 문장을 수 백개 insert해야 한다면....???

일일히 다 대체문자를 입력할 수가 없다!!!

이럴 때 유용하게 쓸 수 있는게

SQL> set define off;


위 명령어는 현재 세션에 대해서 "특수기호 대체 검사"를 하지 않도록 해준다. 

💻 Programming/Oracle 11g

오라클 프로세스 수 늘리기

How to increase the number of processes at database level in Oracle?


1.  Log on to the database as system administrator

  •  In SQL Plus enter: "connect / as sysdba"

2. Set the number of processes to be desired value <num_processes>

  • In SQL Plus "alter system set processes=<num_processes> scope=spfile"

3. Shutdown the database

  • In SQL Plus "shutdown immediate"

4. Startup the database 

  • In SQL Plus "startup"

5. Check the changes have taken effect.

  • In SQL Plus "show parameter sessions" and "show parameter processes"

​출처 : http://knowledgebase.progress.com/articles/Article/P164971


CentOS 6에 오라클 11g 설치시에 설정해주는 커널 파라미터 의미

ㅇ 커널 파라미터 설정

/etc/sysctl.conf 파일

fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576
fs.file-max = 6815744
#kernel.shmall = 2097152
#kernel.shmmax = 536870912
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 1048576

아래 링크를 참조하시길 바랍니다.




owner, segment_name, segment_type, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 as MB




owner='{username in uppercase}' 

group by owner, segment_name, segment_type order by MB

MS-DOS 6 커맨드 라인

요새는 거의 쓰이지 않고있는 Dos 명령어를 쓸 일이 있어서 구글링해서 썼는데 기록으로 남겨봅니다.


아래 명령어는

  1. dir명령어를 이용해서 C: 드라이브 하위에 있는 디렉토리 목록을 뽑은 뒤

  2. findstr을 이용해서 \bin\ 디렉토리를 포함하는 목록만 추출한 뒤에

  3. .svn 으로 디렉토리명이 시작하는 것들은 제외시키고

  4. 그렇게 뽑은 명령어를 auxclasspath.txt파일로 저장

을 하는 명령어입니다. 


조금만 바꾸면 여러분들이 원하는 파일만 추출이 가능합니다.


C:\> dir /a:d /s/b | findstr "\\bin\\" | findstr /v /i "\.svn" > auxclasspath.txt


하나씩 뜯어볼까요?


1) dir /a:d /s/b

- 현재 디렉토리 하위의 디렉토리를 출력합니다.


2) findstr "\\bin\\"

- 하위 디렉토리 중에 bin 이라는 이름을 가진 디렉토리를 포함하고있는 경로만 뽑아냅니다.

( 이 명령어가 실제로 하는 일은 특정 스트링을 찾는 것입니다. )


3) findstr /v /i "\.svn"  

- 위 디렉토리 중 .svn 으로 디렉토리명이 시작하는 목록은 제외시키고 출력합니다.


4) > auxclasspath.txt

- 지금까지 나온 목록을 auxclasspath.txt 파일로 저장합니다.






findStr 명령어 문법 및 옵션 보기


Creational Patterns ( 생성 패턴 )

These design patterns provides way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given use case. 

생성패턴은 객체의 생성로직을 숨기고 new 명령어를 통하지 않고 객체를 생성하는 방법들을 제공한다. 이는 특정 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 객체를 생성해야할지를 결정하는데 있어서 유연성을 제공한다. 

 Structural Patterns ( 구조적 패턴 )

These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities. 

구조적 패턴들은 클래스와 객체의 구성에 관여한다.


 Behavioral Patterns ( 행위적 패턴 )

These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

이 패턴들은 객체들 사이의 커뮤니케이션에 관심을 가진다.


오늘 살펴볼  Memento 패턴은 Behavioral 패턴에 속합니다. 


Memento Pattern Structure



패턴의 목적 ( Intent ) :  

Without violating encapsulation, capture and externalize an object's internal state so that the object can be restored to this state later.

패턴이 나오게 된 동기 ( Motivation ) :

    다이어그램을 그리는 툴을 예로 들어보겠습니다. 사각형 두개를 그리고 두 사각형을 선으로 연결합니다. 자 이제 아래쪽 사각형을 오른쪽으로 이동시킵니다. 그러면 아래 그림처럼 두 사각형을 이은 선도 따라서 이동하면서 두 사각형을 계속 이어줍니다.  

이렇게 두 객체 사이의 연결 관계를 유지시키는 잘 알려진 방법중 하나는 제약-해결 시스템(constraint-solving system)입니다. 이 시스템은 ConstraintSolver 에 캡슐화되어 있습니다. ConstraintSolver는 객체들 사이의 연결을 기록하고 이 연결을 설명하는 수학식을 생성합니다. 그래서 객체의 위치가 변경이 되면 이 수학식을 다시 계산하여 선을 어떻게 그려야 하는지를 알 수 있는 것입니다.


하 지만 되돌리기 기능은 생각처럼 쉽지가 않습니다. 만약 사각형이 움직인 거리를 계산하여 그만큼 다시 되돌린다고 했을 때 과연 두 사각형을 연결하는 선은 어떻게 움직여야 하는가를 생각해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 아래와 같이 불완전한 되돌리기가 되어버릴 테니까요.


일 반적으로 ConstraintSolver의 public interface 는 undo기능을 완전히 구현하기에 불충분합니다. undo 메카니즘은 이전의 상태를 다시 불러오기 위해서 ConstraintSolver와 좀 더 밀접한 관계를 맺어야 하지만 한편으로는 ConstraintSolver의 내부를 노출시키면 안됩니다. 이 문제를 풀기위해서 나온 패턴이 바로 메멘토 패턴입니다. 메멘토는 다른 객체(메멘토의 originator)의 내부 상태를 저장하는 객체입니다. undo 메타니즘은 originator의 이전 상태가 필요할 때 메멘토를 요청하게 됩니다. originator는 자신의 현재 상태를 메멘토에 저장합니다. 그리고 오로지 originator만이 메멘토에 저장한 자신의 상태를 저장 또는 읽어올 수가 있습니다 — 메멘토는 다른 객체들에게 "오파크(침투할 수 없는 것)"라고 할 수 있죠. 위에서 예로 든 툴에서 ConstraintSolver는 originator의 역할을 하는거죠.  


The following sequence of events characterizes theundo process:

      1. The editor requests a memento from the ConstraintSolver as aside-effect of the move operation.

      2. The ConstraintSolver creates and returns a memento, an instance of a class SolverState in this case. A SolverState memento contains data structures that describe the current state of the ConstraintSolver's internal equations and variables.

      3. Later when the user undoes the move operation, the editor gives the SolverState back to the ConstraintSolver.

      4. Based on the information in the SolverState, the ConstraintSolver changes its internal structures to return its equations and variables to their exact previous state.

This arrangement lets the ConstraintSolver entrust other objects with the information it needs to revert to a previous state without exposing its internal structure and representations.

유용성 ( Applicability ) :


Use the Memento pattern when

    • a snapshot of (some portion of) an object's state must be saved so that it can be restored to that state later, and

    • a direct interface to obtaining the state would expose implementation details and break the object's encapsulation.

등장 인물 ( Participants ) :

Memento (SolverState)

o stores internal state of the Originator object. The memento may store as much or as little of the originator's internal state as necessary at its originator's discretion.
o protects against access by objects other than the originator. Mementos have effectively two interfaces. Caretaker sees a narrow interface to the Mementoit can only pass the memento to other objects. Originator, in contrast, sees a wide interface, one that lets it access all the data necessary to restore itself to its previous state. Ideally, only the originator that produced the memento would be permitted to access the memento's internal state.

Originator (ConstraintSolver)

o creates a memento containing a snapshot of its current internal state.
o uses the memento to restore its internal state.

Caretaker (undo mechanism)

o is responsible for the memento's safekeeping.
o never operates on or examines the contents of a memento.



원리 ( Collaborations ) :  

A caretaker requests a memento from an originator, holds it for a time, and passes it back to the originator, as the following interaction diagram illustrates:   



Sometimes the caretaker won't pass the memento back to the originator, because the originator might never need to revert to an earlier state.

Mementos are passive. Only the originator that created a memento will assign or retrieve its state.


패턴 사용법

    1. Identify the roles of “caretaker” and “originator”.
    2. Create a Memento class and declare the originator a friend.
    3. Caretaker knows when to "check point" the originator.
    4. Originator creates a Memento and copies its state to that Memento.
    5. Caretaker holds on to (but cannot peek into) the Memento.
    6. Caretaker knows when to "roll back" the originator.
    7. Originator reinstates itself using the saved state in the Memento.

패턴 사용의 장단점 ( Consequences ): 

The Memento pattern has several consequences:


    1. Preserving encapsulation boundaries. Memento avoids exposing information that only an originator should manage but that must be stored nevertheless outside the originator. The pattern shields other objects from potentially complex Originator internals, thereby preserving encapsulation boundaries.

    2. It simplifies Originator. In other encapsulation-preserving designs, Originator keeps the versions of internal state that clients have requested. That puts all the storage management burden on Originator. Having clients manage the state they ask for simplifies Originator and keeps clients from having to notify originators when they're done.

    3. Using mementos might be expensive. Mementos might incur considerable overhead if Originator must copy large amounts of information to store in the memento or if clients create and return mementos to the originator often enough. Unless encapsulating and restoring Originator state is cheap, the pattern might not be appropriate.

    4. Defining narrow and wide interfaces. It may be difficult in some languages to ensure that only the originator can access the memento's state.

    5. Hidden costs incaring for mementos. A caretaker is responsible for deleting the mementos it cares for. However, the caretaker has no idea how much state is in the memento. Hence an otherwise lightweight caretaker might incur large storagecosts when it stores mementos.

관련 패턴들 :  


Command : Commands can use mementos to maintain state for undoable operations.  

Iterator : Mementos can be used for iteration as described earlier.

추가 정보 :       

    • Command and Memento act as magic tokens to be passed around and invoked at a later time. In Command, the token represents a request; in Memento, it represents the internal state of an object at a particular time. Polymorphism is important to Command, but not to Memento because its interface is so narrow that a memento can only be passed as a value.
    • Command can use Memento to maintain the state required for an undo operation.
    • Memento is often used in conjunction with Iterator. An Iterator can use a Memento to capture the state of an iteration. The Iterator stores the Memento internally.




출처 :  http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/memento

Design Patterns : Element of Reusable Object Oriented Software ( by GoF, 1994 )   


Creational Patterns ( 생성 패턴 )

These design patterns provides way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given use case. 

생성패턴은 객체의 생성로직을 숨기고 new 명령어를 통하지 않고 객체를 생성하는 방법들을 제공한다. 이는 특정 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 객체를 생성해야할지를 결정하는데 있어서 유연성을 제공한다. 

 Structural Patterns ( 구조적 패턴 )

These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities. 

구조적 패턴들은 클래스와 객체의 구성에 관여한다.


 Behavioral Patterns ( 행위적 패턴 )

These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

이 패턴들은 객체들 사이의 커뮤니케이션에 관심을 가진다.


오늘 살펴볼  Interpreter 패턴은 Behavioral 패턴에 속합니다. 


Interpreter Pattern Structure



패턴의 목적 ( Intent ) :  

Given a language, define a represention for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language.

패턴이 나오게 된 동기 ( Motivation ) :

A class of problems occurs repeatedly in a well-defined and well-understood domain. If the domain were characterized with a "language", then problems could be easily solved with an interpretation "engine".


GoF의 디자인 패턴에서는 아래와 같은 예제가 나옵니다.


아래 문법이 정규식을 표현한다고 가정합니다.

expression ::= literal | alternation | sequence | repetition |
                   '(' expression ')'

alternation ::= expression '|' expression
sequence ::= expression '&' expression
repetition ::= expression '*'
literal ::= 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | ... { 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | ... }*  

여기서 expression은 시작 symbol이고 literal은 종료 symbol입니다. 

인터프리터 패턴은 각 문법을 표현하기 위해서 하나의 클래스를 사용합니다. 우측의 심볼들은 이 클래스들의 인스턴스입니다. 위 문법은 다섯개의 클래스로 이루어져 있습니다. 추상클래스 RegularExpression 과 그 하위 클래스들인 LiteralExpression, AlternationExpression, SequenceExpression, 그리고 RepetitionExpression입니다. 마지막의 세 클래스들은 하위표현식을 갖는 변수를 정의합니다.


이 문법으로 정의된 모든 정규 표현식은 위와같은 클래스 인스턴스로 이루어진 추상 문법 트리로 표현됩니다. 예를 들면, 추상 문법 트리는 아래와 같습니다.


represents the regular expression  

raining & (dogs | cats) *

We can create an interpreter for these regular expressions by definingthe Interpret operation on each subclass of RegularExpression.Interpret takes as an argument the context in which to interpret theexpression. The context contains the input string and information onhow much of it has been matched so far. Each subclass ofRegularExpression implements Interpret to match the next part of theinput string based on the current context. For example,

  • LiteralExpression will check if the input matches the literal it defines,

  • AlternationExpression will check if the input matches any of its alternatives,

  • RepetitionExpression will check if the input has multiple copies of expression it repeats, and so on.


유용성 ( Applicability ) :


Use the Interpreter pattern when there is a language to interpret, and you can represent statements in the language as abstract syntax trees.The Interpreter pattern works best when


  • the grammar is simple. For complex grammars, the class hierarchy forthe grammar becomes large and unmanageable. Tools such as parsergenerators are a better alternative in such cases. They can interpret expressions without building abstract syntax trees, which can savespace and possibly time.

  • efficiency is not a critical concern. The most efficient interpreters are usually not implemented by interpreting parse trees directly but by first translating them into another form. For example, regular expressions are often transformed into state machines. But even then,the translator can be implemented by the Interpreter pattern, so the pattern is still applicable.

등장 인물 ( Participants ) :

  • AbstractExpression (RegularExpression)
    declaresanabstractInterpretoperationthatiscommontoallnodes in the abstract syntax tree.
  • TerminalExpression (LiteralExpression)
    implements an Interpret operation associated with terminal symbols in the grammar.
    an instance is required for every terminal symbol in a sentence.

  • NonterminalExpression (AlternationExpression,RepetitionExpression, SequenceExpressions)
    one such class is required for every rule R ::= R1 R2 ... Rn in the grammar.
    maintains instance variables of type AbstractExpression for each of the symbols R1 through Rn.
    implements an Interpret operation for nonterminal symbols in the grammar. Interpret typically calls itself recursively on the variables representing R1 through Rn.

  • Context
    contains information that's global to the interpreter.

  • Client
    builds (or is given) an abstract syntax tree representing a particular sentence in the language that the grammar defines. The abstract syntax tree is assembled from instances of the NonterminalExpression and TerminalExpression classes.
    invokes the Interpret operation.

원리 ( Collaborations ) :  

  • The client builds (or is given) the sentence as an abstract syntax tree of NonterminalExpression and TerminalExpression instances. Then the client initializes the context and invokes the Interpret operation.

  • Each NonterminalExpression node defines Interpret in terms ofInterpret on each subexpression. The Interpret operation of eachTerminalExpression defines the base case in the recursion.

  • The Interpret operations at each node use the context to store and access the state of the interpreter.

패턴 사용법

  1. Decide if a "little language" offers a justifiable return on investment.
  2. Define a grammar for the language.
  3. Map each production in the grammar to a class.
  4. Organize the suite of classes into the structure of the Composite pattern.
  5. Define an interpret(Context) method in the Composite hierarchy.
  6. The Context object encapsulates the current state of the input and output as the former is parsed and the latter is accumulated. It is manipulated by each grammar class as the "interpreting" process transforms the input into the output.
패턴 사용의 장단점 ( Consequences ): 

  1. The Interpreter pattern has the following benefits and liabilities:  

  2. 1. It's easy to change and extend the grammar. Because the pattern uses classes to represent grammar rules, you canuse inheritance to change or extend the grammar. Existing expressions can be modified incrementally, and new expressions can be defined as variations on old ones.  

  3. 2. Implementing the grammar is easy,too. Classes defining nodes in the abstract syntax tree have similar implementations. These classes are easy to write, and often their generation can be automated with a compiler or parser generator.  

  4. 3. Complex grammars are hard to maintain. The Interpreter pattern defines at least one class for every rule in the grammar (grammar rules defined using BNF may require multiple classes). Hence grammars containing many rules can be hard to manage and maintain. Other design patterns can be applied to mitigate the problem (see Implementation).But when the grammar is very complex, other techniques such as parser or compiler generators are more appropriate.  

  5. 4. Adding new ways to interpret expressions. The Interpreter pattern makes it easier to evaluate an expression in a new way. For example, you can support pretty printing ortype-checking an expression by defining a new operation on the expression classes. If you keep creating new ways of interpreting an expression, then consider using the Visitor pattern to avoid changing the grammar classes.


관련 패턴들 :  


Composite :The abstract syntax tree is an instance of the Composite pattern.

Flyweight shows how to share terminal symbols within the abstract syntax tree.

Iterator :The interpreter can use an Iterator to traverse the structure.

Visitor can be used to maintain the behavior in each node in the abstract syntax tree in one class.


추가 정보 :    
  • Considered in its most general form (i.e. an operation distributed over a class hierarchy based on the Composite pattern), nearly every use of the Composite pattern will also contain the Interpreter pattern. But the Interpreter pattern should be reserved for those cases in which you want to think of this class hierarchy as defining a language.
  • Interpreter can use State to define parsing contexts.
  • The abstract syntax tree of Interpreter is a Composite (therefore Iterator and Visitor are also applicable).
  • Terminal symbols within Interpreter's abstract syntax tree can be shared with Flyweight.
  • The pattern doesn't address parsing. When the grammar is very complex, other techniques (such as a parser) are more appropriate.

출처 :  http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/interpreter

Design Patterns : Element of Reusable Object Oriented Software ( by GoF, 1994 )  

Creational Patterns ( 생성 패턴 )

These design patterns provides way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given use case. 

생성패턴은 객체의 생성로직을 숨기고 new 명령어를 통하지 않고 객체를 생성하는 방법들을 제공한다. 이는 특정 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 객체를 생성해야할지를 결정하는데 있어서 유연성을 제공한다. 

 Structural Patterns ( 구조적 패턴 )

These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities. 

구조적 패턴들은 클래스와 객체의 구성에 관여한다.


 Behavioral Patterns ( 행위적 패턴 )

These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

이 패턴들은 객체들 사이의 커뮤니케이션에 관심을 가진다.


오늘 살펴볼  Observer 패턴은 Behavioral 패턴에 속합니다. 

옵저버라고 하니까 10년전에 스타크래프트에서 나왔던 옵저버가 생각이 나네요. cloaking상태로 여기저기 맵을 뒤지고 다녔던 녀석이죠. HP는 어찌나 적은지 한방에 그냥 펑 터져서 죽어버리던 녀석이었죠 ㅎㅎ.

이 옵저버 패턴은 한 객체의 상태를 지켜보고 있다가 이 객체의 상태가 변경이 되면 이 객체의 상태에 의존적인 다른 객체들의 상태를 자동으로 업데이트할 수 있게끔 해주는 패턴이라고 합니다.  

아래에서 좀 더 자세히 알아보도록 하겠습니다.

Observer Pattern Structure



패턴의 목적 ( Intent ) :  

Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.

옵 저버 패턴의 목적은 하나의 객체에 여러개의 객체가 의존적인 경우에, 그 한 객체의 상태가 변경이 되면 이 객체에 의존적인 다른 여러개의 객체들이 notification을 받고 자동으로 자신들의 상태를 업데이트를 할 수 있도록 하기 위함입니다.

패턴이 나오게 된 동기 ( Motivation ) :


Both a spreadsheet object and bar chart object can depict information in the same application data object using different presentations. The spreadsheet and the bar chart don't know about each other, thereby letting you reuse only the one you need. But they behave as though they do. When the user changes the information in the spreadsheet, the bar chart reflects the changes immediately, and vice versa.

This behavior implies that the spreadsheet and bar chart are dependent on the data object and therefore should be notified of any change in its state. And there's no reason to limit the number of dependent objects to two; there may be any number of different user interfaces to the same data.  

The Observer pattern describes how to establish these relationships. The key objects in this pattern are subject and observer. A subject may have any number of dependent observers. All observers are notified whenever the subject undergoes a change in state. In response, each observer will query the subject to synchronize its state with the subject's state.  

This kind of interaction is also known as publish-subscribe. The subject is the publisher of notifications. It sends out these notifications without having to know who its observers are. Any number of observers can subscribe to receive notifications.  


유용성 ( Applicability ) :


Use the Observer pattern in any of the following situations:  


    • When an abstraction has two aspects, one dependent on the other. Encapsulating these aspects in separate objects lets you vary and reuse them independently.
    • When a change to one object requires changing others, and you don't know how many objects need to be changed.
    • When an object should be able to notify other objects without making assumptions about who these objects are. In other words, you don't want these objects tightly coupled.


등장 인물 ( Participants ) :


o knows its observers. Any number of Observer objects may observe a subject.

o provides an interface for attaching and detaching Observer objects.


o defines an updating interface for objects that should be notified of changes in a subject. 

ConcreteSubject ( 이하 CS ) 

o stores state of interest to ConcreteObserver objects. 

o sends a notification to its observers when its state changes.

ConcreteObserver ( 이하 CO ) 

o maintains a reference to a ConcreteSubject object.

o stores state that should stay consistent with the subject's.  

o implements the Observer updating interface to keep its state consistent with the subject's.



원리 ( Collaborations ) :  

  • ConcreteSubject notifies its observers whenever a change occurs that could make its observers' state inconsistent with its own.
    ConcreteSubject( 이하 CS )객체가 이 객체를 지켜보는 옵저버들에게 자신의 상태가 변경되었다는 것을 알려줍니다. 그러면 옵저버들은 이 상태를 저장합니다. CS객체가 자신의 상태변화를 알려줄 때마다 옵저버들 또한 상태정보를 업데이트 하게 되는 거죠.
  • After being informed of a change in the concrete subject, a ConcreteObserver object may query the subject for information. ConcreteObserver uses this information to reconcile its state with that of the subject.
    CS 가 보낸 상태정보가 변경되었다는 알림 메시지를 받은 ConcreteObserver( 이하 CO )는 CS의 상태정보를 얻기위해 getState()를 할 수 있습니다. CO는 이렇게 얻은 정보를 이용해서 CS 상태와 자신이 갖고 있는 상태정보를 동일하게 동기화시킵니다.

    The following interaction diagram illustrates the collaborations between a subject and two observers:


Note how the Observer object that initiates the change request postpones its update until it gets a notification from the subject. Notify is not always called by the subject. It can be called by an observer or by another kind of object entirely. 옵저버가 관찰중인 객체의 상태정보를 가지고 자신이 가지고 있는 상태정보를 업데이트하는 것은 notify가 이루어진 뒤입니다. 그리고 이 notify는 CS, CO, 또는 전혀 다른 종류의 객체가 호출 할 수도 있습니다.


패턴 사용법

    1. Differentiate between the core (or independent) functionality and the optional (or dependent) functionality.
    2. Model the independent functionality with a "subject" abstraction.
    3. Model the dependent functionality with an "observer" hierarchy.
    4. The Subject is coupled only to the Observer base class.
    5. The client configures the number and type of Observers.
    6. Observers register themselves with the Subject.
    7. The Subject broadcasts events to all registered Observers.
    8. The Subject may "push" information at the Observers, or, the Observers may "pull" the information they need from the Subject.


패턴 사용의 장단점 ( Consequences ):  

The Observer pattern lets you vary subjects and observers independently. You can reuse subjects without reusing their observers, and vice versa. It lets you add observers without modifying the subject or other observers.

Further benefits and liabilities of the Observer pattern include thefollowing:  

1. Abstract coupling between Subject and Observer. All a subject knows is that it has a list of observers, each conforming to the simple interface of the abstract Observer class.The subject doesn't know the concrete class of any observer. Thus the coupling between subjects and observers is abstract and minimal.

Because Subject and Observer aren't tightly coupled, they can belong to different layers of abstraction in a system. A lower-level subject can communicate and inform a higher-level observer, thereby keeping the system's layering intact. If Subject and Observer are lumped together, then the resulting object must either span two layers (and violate the layering), or it must be forced to live in one layer or the other (which might compromise the layering abstraction).  

2. Support for broadcast communication. Unlike an ordinary request, the notification that a subject sends needn't specify its receiver. The notification is broadcast automatically to all interested objects that subscribed to it. The subject doesn't care how many interested objects exist; its only responsibility is to notify its observers. This gives you the freedom to add and remove observers at any time. It's up to the observer to handle or ignore a notification.  

3. Unexpected updates. Because observers have no knowledge of each other's presence, they can be blind to the ultimate cost of changing the subject. A seemingly innocuous operation on the subject may cause a cascade of updates to observers and their dependent objects. Moreover, dependency criteria that aren't well-defined or maintained usually lead to spurious updates, which can be hard to track down.

This problem is aggravated by the fact that the simple update protocol provides no details on what changed in the subject. Without additional protocol to help observers discover what changed, they maybe forced to work hard to deduce the changes.

관련 패턴들 :  

    • Mediator : Byencapsulating complex update semantics, the ChangeManager acts asmediator between subjects and observers.
    • Singleton :The ChangeManager may use the Singleton pattern to make it uniqueand globally accessible.

추가 정보 :       

    • Chain of Responsibility, Command, Mediator, and Observer, address how you can decouple senders and receivers, but with different trade-offs. Chain of Responsibility passes a sender request along a chain of potential receivers. Command normally specifies a sender-receiver connection with a subclass. Mediator has senders and receivers reference each other indirectly. Observer defines a very decoupled interface that allows for multiple receivers to be configured at run-time.
    • Mediator and Observer are competing patterns. The difference between them is that Observer distributes communication by introducing "observer" and "subject" objects, whereas a Mediator object encapsulates the communication between other objects. We've found it easier to make reusable Observers and Subjects than to make reusable Mediators.
    • On the other hand, Mediator can leverage Observer for dynamically registering colleagues and communicating with them.




출처 :  http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/observer

Design Patterns : Element of Reusable Object Oriented Software ( by GoF, 1994 )    

Creational Patterns ( 생성 패턴 )

These design patterns provides way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given use case. 

생성패턴은 객체의 생성로직을 숨기고 new 명령어를 통하지 않고 객체를 생성하는 방법들을 제공한다. 이는 특정 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 객체를 생성해야할지를 결정하는데 있어서 유연성을 제공한다. 

 Structural Patterns ( 구조적 패턴 )

These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities. 

구조적 패턴들은 클래스와 객체의 구성에 관여한다.


 Behavioral Patterns ( 행위적 패턴 )

These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

이 패턴들은 객체들 사이의 커뮤니케이션에 관심을 가진다.


오늘 살펴볼  Mediator 패턴은 Behavioral 패턴에 속합니다. 


Mediator Pattern Structure


전형적인 객체 구조는 아래와 같습니다.


패턴의 목적 ( Intent ) :  

Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction independently.

패턴이 나오게 된 동기 ( Motivation ) :

    We want to design reusable components, but dependencies between the potentially reusable pieces demonstrates the "spaghetti code" phenomenon. 개발자들은 보통 재사용 가능한 컴포넌트들을 만들고 싶어하지만 잠재적으로 재사용가능한 코드들의 의존성이 일명 "스파게티 코드"를 발생시키게 됩니다. 스파게티 코드라는 것은 거미줄처럼 뒤죽박죽 의존성이 존재하는 것을 의미합니다.



유닉스나 리눅스 시스템에 있는 사용자 퍼미션 시스템을 예로 들어보겠습니다. 한 사용자는 여러 그룹에 속해있을 수 있으며 한 그룹은 여러 사용자를 가질 수 있습니다. 아래 그림 처럼 말이죠. 

위 시스템을 구현한다고 해보자구요. 그럼 User 객체들과 Group객체들 사이에 연결고리가 있겠죠? 그 연결고리 때문에 User객체나 Group객체가 변경될 때 서로 영향을 미치게 될겁니다. 그러면 둘 사이의 관계만을 정의하는 객체를 따로 만들면 어떨 까요? User객체나 Group객체가 변경되어도 서로에게 영향을 미치게 될 일이 사라지게 됩니다. 또한, 수많은 관계들을 쉽게 관리할 수 있게 될 뿐아니라 수정하는 일도 쉬워질 겁니다. 


여기서 관계를 정의하는 객체를 중재자 객체라고 생각할 수 있습니다. 중재자 객체는 다음 역할들을 수행합니다. 

  1. encapsulates all interconnections
  2. acts as the hub of communication
  3. is responsible for controlling and coordinating the interactions of its clients
  4. promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly

유용성 ( Applicability ) :


Use the Mediator pattern when

  • a set of objects communicate in well-defined but complex ways. The resulting inter dependencies are unstructured and difficult to understand.

  • reusing an object is difficult because it refers to and communicates with many other objects.

  • a behavior that's distributed between several classes should be customizable without a lot of subclassing.

등장 인물 ( Participants ) :

  • Mediator
    defines an interface for communicating with Colleague objects.
  • ConcreteMediator
    implements cooperative behavior by coordinating Colleague objects.
    knows and maintains its colleagues.
  • Colleague classes
    each Colleague class knows its Mediator object.
    each colleague communicates with its mediator whenever it would have otherwise communicated with another colleague.

원리 ( Collaborations ) :  

  • Colleagues send and receive requests from a Mediator object. The mediator implements the cooperative behavior by routing requests between the appropriate colleague(s).

패턴 사용법

  1. Identify a collection of interacting objects that would benefit from mutual decoupling.
  2. Encapsulate those interactions in the abstraction of a new class.
  3. Create an instance of that new class and rework all "peer" objects to interact with the Mediator only.
  4. Balance the principle of decoupling with the principle of distributing responsibility evenly.
  5. Be careful not to create a "controller" or "god" object.

패턴 사용의 장단점 ( Consequences ): 

The Mediator pattern has the following benefits and drawbacks:

  1. It limits subclassing. A mediator localizes behavior that otherwise would be distributed amongseveral objects. Changing this behavior requires subclassing Mediatoronly; Colleague classes can be reused as is.

  2. It decouples colleagues. A mediator promotes loose coupling between colleagues. You can vary and reuse Colleague and Mediator classes independently.

  3. It simplifies object protocols. A mediator replaces many-to-many interactions with one-to-many interactions between the mediator and its colleagues. One-to-many relationships are easier to understand, maintain, and extend.

  4. It abstracts how objects cooperate. Making mediation an independent concept and encapsulating it in an object lets you focus on how objects interact apart from their individual behavior. That can help clarify how objects interact in a system.

  5. It centralizes control. The Mediator pattern trades complexity of interaction for complexity in the mediator. Because a mediator encapsulates protocols, it can become more complex than any individual colleague. This can make the mediator itself a monolith that's hard to maintain.

관련 패턴들 :  


Facade differsfrom Mediator in that it abstracts a subsystem of objects to providea more convenient interface. Its protocol is uni-directional; thatis, Facade objects make requests of the subsystem classes but notvice versa. In contrast, Mediator enables cooperative behavior that colleague objects don't or can't provide, and the protocol is multi-directional.

Colleagues can communicate with the mediator using the Observer pattern.

추가 정보 :      

  • Chain of Responsibility, Command, Mediator, and Observer, address how you can decouple senders and receivers, but with different trade-offs. Chain of Responsibility passes a sender request along a chain of potential receivers. Command normally specifies a sender-receiver connection with a subclass. Mediator has senders and receivers reference each other indirectly. Observer defines a very decoupled interface that allows for multiple receivers to be configured at run-time.
  • Mediator and Observer are competing patterns. The difference between them is that Observer distributes communication by introducing "observer" and "subject" objects, whereas a Mediator object encapsulates the communication between other objects. We've found it easier to make reusable Observers and Subjects than to make reusable Mediators.
  • On the other hand, Mediator can leverage Observer for dynamically registering colleagues and communicating with them.
  • Mediator is similar to Facade in that it abstracts functionality of existing classes. Mediator abstracts/centralizes arbitrary communication between colleague objects, it routinely "adds value", and it is known/referenced by the colleague objects (i.e. it defines a multidirectional protocol). In contrast, Facade defines a simpler interface to a subsystem, it doesn't add new functionality, and it is not known by the subsystem classes (i.e. it defines a unidirectional protocol where it makes requests of the subsystem classes but not vice versa).


출처 :  http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/mediator

Design Patterns : Element of Reusable Object Oriented Software ( by GoF, 1994 )   


디자인 패턴에 대해서 한번 훑어보긴 했었는데 다시한번 복습하는 차원에서 하나하나 정리하는 시간을 갖고 싶었다. 그리고 오늘은 그 첫째 날.


오 늘 함께 볼 디자인패턴은 Iterator 패턴이다. 내용의 대부분은 GoF의 디자인패턴 책에서 발췌를 하게될 것임을 밝힌다. 그리고 영문을 한글로 번역을 하게 될텐데 전문번역가가 아니므로 한글 번역본이 이해가 안간다고 느끼면 영문 원본을 읽어보시길 권유한다.


그럼 시작해 볼까?


우선 GoF의 디자인 패턴은 아래와 같이 크게 3가지 종류로 분류된다.

 Creational Patterns ( 생성 패턴 )

These design patterns provides way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given use case. 

생성패턴은 객체의 생성로직을 숨기고 new 명령어를 통하지 않고 객체를 생성하는 방법들을 제공한다. 이는 특정 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 객체를 생성해야할지를 결정하는데 있어서 유연성을 제공한다. 

 Structural Patterns ( 구조적 패턴 )

These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities. 

구조적 패턴들은 클래스와 객체의 구성에 관여한다.


 Behavioral Patterns ( 행위적 패턴 )

These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

이 패턴들은 객체들 사이의 커뮤니케이션에 관심을 가진다.


이제 살펴볼 Iterator 패턴은 Behavioral 패턴에 속한다. 

Iterator는 자바의 Iterator와 같은 것을 말한다. 사전적 의미로 "반복자"라고 불리는 iterator는 자바의 경우 collection객체에서 사용이 된다. 오라클에서 제공하는 Iterator에 대한 정보는 이곳에서 확인하면된다. 이처럼 앞으로 살펴볼 모든 패턴들은 그 이름에서 이 패턴이 어떤 패턴인지 파악할 수가 있다.


Iterator Pattern Structure



패턴의 목적 :
Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation.


Iterator 패턴의 목적은 aggregate object ( ex. List )를 순차적으로 액세스 할 수 있는 방법을 제공하는 것이다. 물론 이 과정에서 개발자는 object가 어떤식으로 구현이 되어있는지는 알 필요가 없으므로 object의 구현부를 노출시키지 않는다.


유용성 ( Applicability ) :

· to access an aggregate object's contents without exposing its internal representation.

내부 구현을 노출시키지 않으면서 집약 객체의 내용물에 접근하고자 할 때
· to support multiple traversals of aggregate objects.

집약(집합) 객체들에 대해 다양한 탐색경로(?)를 지원하고자 할 때
· to provide a uniform interface for traversing different aggregate structures (that is, to support polymorphic iteration).

다른 집약(집합)구조들을 탐색하기위한 통일된 인터페이스를 제공하고자 할 때 (즉, 다형적 iteration을 지원하고자 할 때 )


등장 인물 :
· Iterator
o defines an interface for accessing and traversing elements.
· ConcreteIterator
o implements the Iterator interface.
o keeps track of the current position in the traversal of the aggregate.
· Aggregate
o defines an interface for creating an Iterator object.
· ConcreteAggregate
o implements the Iterator creation interface to return an instance of the proper ConcreteIterator.


장단점 :
1. It supports variations in the traversal of an aggregate.Complex aggregates
may be traversed in many ways. For example, code generation and semantic checking involve traversing parse trees. Code generation may traverse the parse tree inorder or preorder.Iterators make it easy to change the traversal algorithm: Just replace the iterator instance with a different
one. You can also define Iterator subclasses to support new traversals.
2. Iterators simplify the Aggregate interface.Iterator's traversal interface obviates the need for a similar interface in Aggregate, thereby simplifying the aggregate's interface.
3. More than one traversal can be pending on an aggregate.An iterator keeps track of its own traversal state. Therefore you can have more than one traversal in progress at once.

관련 패턴들 : 

Composite : Iterators are often applied to recursive structures such as Composites.
Factory Method : Polymorphic iterators rely on factory methods to instantiate theappropriate Iterator subclass.
Memento is often used in conjunction with the Iterator pattern. An iterator can use a memento to capture the state of an iteration. The iterator stores the memento internally. 




출처 : Design Patterns : Element of Reusable Object Oriented Software ( by GoF, 1994 )

Creational Patterns ( 생성 패턴 )

These design patterns provides way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given use case. 

생성패턴은 객체의 생성로직을 숨기고 new 명령어를 통하지 않고 객체를 생성하는 방법들을 제공한다. 이는 특정 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 객체를 생성해야할지를 결정하는데 있어서 유연성을 제공한다. 

 Structural Patterns ( 구조적 패턴 )

These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities. 

구조적 패턴들은 클래스와 객체의 구성에 관여한다.


 Behavioral Patterns ( 행위적 패턴 )

These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

이 패턴들은 객체들 사이의 커뮤니케이션에 관심을 가진다.


오늘 살펴볼  Command ( 명령, 커맨드 )패턴은 Behavioral 패턴에 속한다.   

명령 패턴이라~ 명령을 내리는 패턴이라는 거겠죠??

자세히 알아봅시다.


Command Pattern Structure




패턴의 목적 ( Intent ) :  

Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations.  

명령 패턴, 커맨드 패턴은 하나의 요청을 하나의 객체로 캡슐화하여 요청을 파라미터처럼 사용할 수 있게끔 해주며 되돌리기 기능을 지원한다. 

패턴이 나오게 된 동기 ( Motivation ) :

   Need to issue requests to objects without knowing anything about the operation being requested or the receiver of the request.

이 패턴이 나오게 된 동기라 하면 간단히 말해서 요청을 날릴 때 어떤 요청이 날아가는지 리시버가 누구인지에 대해서 몰라도 되게끔 하기 위해서 입니다.  


GoF의 디자인 패턴에서는 응용프로그램의 메뉴를 클릭했을 때 어떤 명령을 실행하는 것을 예로 들었습니다.

 위 클래스 다이어그램은 응용프램에서 메뉴를 선택해서 들어가고 하위메뉴를 클릭했을 때 특정 명령이 실행되는 것을 나타내고 있습니다.메뉴아이템은 커맨드 객체를 가지고 있고 이 커맨드 객체는 실행할 수 있는 기능이 구현되어 있을 것입니다. 메뉴아이템객체는 이 커맨드객체가 무슨 명령을 실행하는 지는 모르고 그냥 실행만 시키는 겁니다. 


유용성 ( Applicability ) :

Use the Command pattern when you want to

명령 패턴은 이럴 때 쓰세요. 

parameterize objects by an action to perform, as MenuItem objects did above. You can express such parameterization in a procedural language with a callback function, that is, a function that's registered somewhere to be called at a later point. Commands are an object-oriented replacement for callbacks.  


• specify, queue, and execute requests at different times. A Command object can have a lifetime independent of the original request. If the receiver of a request can be represented in an address space-independent way, then you can transfer a command object for the request to a different process and fulfill the request there.


• support undo. The Command's Execute operation can store state for reversing its effects in the command itself. The Command interface must have an added Unexecute operation that reverses the effects of a previous call to Execute. Executed commands are stored in a history list. Unlimited-level undo and redo is achieved by traversing this list backwards and forwards calling Unexecute and Execute, respectively.


• support logging changes so that they can be reapplied in case of a system crash. By augmenting the Command interface with load and store operations, you can keep a persistent log of changes. Recovering from a crash involves reloading logged commands from disk and reexecuting them with the Execute operation.


• structure a system around high-level operations built on primitives operations. Such a structure is common in information systems that support transactions. A transaction encapsulates a set of changes to data. The Command pattern offers a way to model transactions. Commands have a common interface, letting you invoke all transactions the same way. The pattern also makes it easy to extend the system with new transactions.

등장 인물 ( Participants ) :


o declares an interface for executing an operation.  


o defines a binding between a Receiver object and an action.

o implements Execute by invoking the corresponding operation(s) on Receiver.


           o creates a ConcreteCommand object and sets its receiver.

           o asks the command to carry out the request.

knows how to perform the operations associated with carrying out a request. Any class may serve as a Receiver.

원리 ( Collaborations ) :

  • The client creates a ConcreteCommand object and specifies its receiver.
  • An Invoker object stores the ConcreteCommand object.
  • The invoker issues a request by calling Execute on the command. When commands are undoable, ConcreteCommand stores state for undoing thecommand prior to invoking Execute.

  • The ConcreteCommand object invokes operations on its receiver to carryout the request.


The following diagram shows the interactions between these objects.It illustrates how Command decouples the invoker from the receiver(and the request it carries out).



패턴 사용법

  1. Define a Command interface with a method signature like execute().
  2. Create one or more derived classes that encapsulate some subset of the following: a "receiver" object, the method to invoke, the arguments to pass.
  3. Instantiate a Command object for each deferred execution request.
  4. Pass the Command object from the creator (aka sender) to the invoker (aka receiver).
  5. The invoker decides when to execute().

패턴 사용의 장단점 ( Consequences ): 

The Command pattern has the following consequences:  

  1. Command decouples the object that invokes the operation from the one that knows how to perform it.
  2. Commands are first-class objects.They can be manipulated and extended like any other object.
  3. You can assemble commands into a composite command. In general, composite commands are an instance of the Composite pattern.
  4. It's easy to add new Commands, because you don't have to change existing classes.

관련 패턴들 :  

A Composite can be used to implement MacroCommands.
A Memento can keep state the command requires to undo its effect.

A command that must be copied before being placed on the historylist acts as a Prototype.

추가 정보 :     

  • Chain of Responsibility, Command, Mediator, and Observer, address how you can decouple senders and receivers, but with different trade-offs. Command normally specifies a sender-receiver connection with a subclass.
  • Chain of Responsibility can use Command to represent requests as objects.
  • Command and Memento act as magic tokens to be passed around and invoked at a later time. In Command, the token represents a request; in Memento, it represents the internal state of an object at a particular time. Polymorphism is important to Command, but not to Memento because its interface is so narrow that a memento can only be passed as a value.
  • Command can use Memento to maintain the state required for an undo operation.
  • MacroCommands can be implemented with Composite.
  • A Command that must be copied before being placed on a history list acts as a Prototype.
  • Two important aspects of the Command pattern: interface separation (the invoker is isolated from the receiver), time separation (stores a ready-to-go processing request that's to be stated later).


출처 :  http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/command

Design Patterns : Element of Reusable Object Oriented Software ( by GoF, 1994 )  


Creational Patterns ( 생성 패턴 )

These design patterns provides way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given use case. 

생성패턴은 객체의 생성로직을 숨기고 new 명령어를 통하지 않고 객체를 생성하는 방법들을 제공한다. 이는 특정 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 객체를 생성해야할지를 결정하는데 있어서 유연성을 제공한다. 

 Structural Patterns ( 구조적 패턴 )

These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities. 

구조적 패턴들은 클래스와 객체의 구성에 관여한다.


 Behavioral Patterns ( 행위적 패턴 )

These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

이 패턴들은 객체들 사이의 커뮤니케이션에 관심을 가진다.


오늘 살펴볼  Composite 패턴은 Structural 패턴에 속한다.  


Composite Pattern Structure


A typical Composite object structure might look like this:

패턴의 목적 ( Intent ) : 


Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.

컴 포지트 패턴은 객체들의 관계를 트리 구조로 구성하여 부분-전체 계층을 표현하는 패턴으로, 사용자가 단일 객체와 복합 객체 모두 동일하게 다루도록 하는 패턴이다. 따라서, {객체의 그룹}과 {하나의 객체}가 동일한 행위를 할 때 적용되야 하며, 또한 트리구조를 생성할 때 사용될 수 있다. 


패턴이 나오게 된 동기 ( Motivation ) :

그 래픽 툴은 사용자들로 하여금 간단한 컴포넌트 ( ex. 선, 사각형, 문자, 그림 등등 )부터 복잡한 컴포넌트 ( ex. 글씨가 들어간 사각형 )에 이르기까지 간단하게 표현할 수 있도록 해준다. 이를 간단히 구현하자면 각각의 클래스를 정의하는 것이다. Line클래스, Rectangle 클래스를 각각 정의해서 가져다가 쓰면 되는데 단순히 이렇게 구현을 하면 나중에 큰 문제가 발생 할 수 있다. 왜냐하면 프리미티브 객체와 컨테이너 객체를 다르게 다루어야 하기 때문이다. 이게 무슨 소리냐 하면, 그림판에서 하나의 직선을 그었다고 하자. 이 직선은 시작점과 끝점 좌표를 가지고 있는 하나의 객체겠지? 그런데 또다른 직선을 그었다. 두번째 직선 역시 시작점과 끝점 좌표를 가지고 있겠지. 그런데 이 두개를 한꺼번에 저장하려면 두개의 직선 객체를 가지고있는 또다른 wrapper 클래스가 있어야 할 것이다. 그런데 직선이 몇개가 될지 누가 아냐? 그리는 사람이 몇개를 그릴지는 아무도 모르잖아? 그래서 이런 식으로 접근하다가는 평생해도 제대로된 그래픽 툴을 못 만들 것이다. 그래서 나온 것이 바로 이 컴포지트 패턴인 것이다. 아래 다이어그램을 보자.


위 다이어그램은 직선, 사각형, 문자, 그림을 모두 그래픽 객체를 구현하는 클래스로 만들어 버리고 각 그래픽 클래스는 자식으로 그래픽 클래스를 가질 수 있도록 했다. 그래픽 클래스가 그래픽 클래스를 자식으로 갖는다? 이해가 되는가? 예를 들어보자.

내 가 어제 하나의 그림을 그렸다. 이 그림은 사각형과 직선 그리고 문자를 가지고 있다. 그리고 오늘 나는 두번째 그림을 그리면서 어제 그린 그림과 또 다른 선, 사각형을 그려넣었다. 이것을 다이어그램으로 표현한 것이 아래 그림이다.

aPicture, aTest, aLine, aRectangle은 모두 그래픽 객체이다. 이 그래픽 객체들은 또 다른 그래픽 객체들을 자식으로 가지고 있다. 이제 이해가 되는가?

유용성 ( Applicability ) :

 Use the Composite pattern when
· you want to represent part-whole hierarchies of objects.
· you want clients to be able to ignore the difference between compositions of objects and individual objects. Clients will treat all objects in the composite structure uniformly.

등장 인물 ( Participants ) :

· Component (Graphic)
o declares the interface for objects in the composition.
o implements default behavior for the interface common to all classes, as appropriate.
o declares an interface for accessing and managing its child components.
o (optional) defines an interface for accessing a component's parent in the recursive structure, and implements it if that's appropriate.
· Leaf (Rectangle, Line, Text, etc.)
o represents leaf objects in the composition. A leaf has no children.
o defines behavior for primitive objects in the composition.
· Composite (Picture) 

o defines behavior for components having children.
o stores child components.
o implements child-related operations in the Component interface.
· Client
o manipulates objects in the composition through the Component interface.


원리 ( Collaborations ) :

· Clients use the Component class interface to interact with objects in the composite structure. If the recipient is a Leaf, then the request is handled directly. If the recipient is a Composite, then it usually forwards requests to its child components, possibly performing additional operations before and/or after forwarding.

패턴 사용의 장단점 ( Consequences ): 

The Composite pattern

· defines class hierarchies consisting of primitive objects and composite objects. Primitive objects can be composed into more complex objects, which in turn can be composed, and so on recursively. Wherever client code expects a primitive object, it can also take a composite object.  

· makes the client simple. Clients can treat composite structures and individual objects uniformly. Clients normally don't know (and shouldn't care) whether they're dealing with a leaf or a composite component. This simplifies client code, because it avoids having to write tag-and-case-statement-style functions over the classes that define the composition.
· makes it easier to add new kinds of components. Newly defined Composite or Leaf subclasses work automatically with existing structures and client code. Clients don't have to be changed for new Component classes.
· can make your design overly general. The disadvantage of making it easy to add new components is that it makes it harder to restrict the components of a composite. Sometimes you want a composite to have only certain components. With Composite, you can't rely on the type system to enforce those constraints for you. You'll have to use run-time checks instead.


관련 패턴들 : 

 Often the component-parent link is used for a Chain of Responsibility.
Decorator is often used with Composite. When decorators and composites are used together, they will usually have a common parent class. So decorators will have to support the Component interface with operations like Add, Remove, and GetChild.
Flyweight lets you share components, but they can no longer refer to their parents.
Iterator can be used to traverse composites.
Visitor localizes operations and behavior that would otherwise be distributed across Composite and Leaf classes.


추가 정보 :

  • Composite and Decorator have similar structure diagrams, reflecting the fact that both rely on recursive composition to organize an open-ended number of objects.
  • Composite can be traversed with Iterator. Visitor can apply an operation over a Composite. Composite could use Chain of Responsibility to let components access global properties through their parent. It could also use Decorator to override these properties on parts of the composition. It could use Observer to tie one object structure to another and State to let a component change its behavior as its state changes.
  • Composite can let you compose a Mediator out of smaller pieces through recursive composition.
  • Decorator is designed to let you add responsibilities to objects without subclassing. Composite's focus is not on embellishment but on representation. These intents are distinct but complementary. Consequently, Composite and Decorator are often used in concert.
  • Flyweight is often combined with Composite to implement shared leaf nodes.


출처 :  http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/composite

Design Patterns : Element of Reusable Object Oriented Software ( by GoF, 1994 )  


Creational Patterns ( 생성 패턴 )

These design patterns provides way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given use case. 

생성패턴은 객체의 생성로직을 숨기고 new 명령어를 통하지 않고 객체를 생성하는 방법들을 제공한다. 이는 특정 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 객체를 생성해야할지를 결정하는데 있어서 유연성을 제공한다. 

 Structural Patterns ( 구조적 패턴 )

These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities. 

구조적 패턴들은 클래스와 객체의 구성에 관여한다.


 Behavioral Patterns ( 행위적 패턴 )

These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

이 패턴들은 객체들 사이의 커뮤니케이션에 관심을 가진다.


오늘 살펴볼  Facade 패턴은 Structural 패턴에 속한다.  이 패턴은 컴포지트 패턴과 비슷한 다이어그램을 가지고 있다. 

Facade는 퍼사드라고 읽는다. 퍼케이드, 패케이드 이딴식으로 읽는게 아니다.


Facade Pattern Structure

패턴의 목적 ( Intent ) : 

 Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.  

퍼사드 패턴은 서브시스템 내부에 있는 클래스에 접근할 수 있는 하나의 통합된 인터페이스를 제공하는 패턴이다. 

패턴이 나오게 된 동기 ( Motivation ) :


큰 시스템을 작은 시스템으로 나누는 것은 시스템의 복잡도를 낮춰준다. 그리고 디자인의 공통 목표는 서브시스템들 사이의 의존성을 줄이고 커뮤니케이션 횟수를 줄이는 것인데 퍼사드 패턴이 이를 위한 방법중 하나이다. 아래 그림에서 커다란 사각형이 서브시스템이고 그 안에 작은 사각형들은 서브시스템의 클래스들을 의미한다. 그리고 서브시스템 밖에는 클라이언트가 서브시스템에 접근할 때 사용되는 클래스들이 있다. 

그런데 왼쪽 그림을 보면 서브시스템에 접근하기 위해서 클라이언트 클래스가 직접적으로 서브시스템 내부의 클래스를 호출하는 방식이다. 그림으로봐도 뭔가 복잡해 보인다. 서브시스템이 변경되면?? 클라이언트 쪽에서도 수정해야하는 부분이 생길 것이고 큰 프로젝트였다면 어디를 수정해야 할지 찾아내기도 힘들것이다. 그래서 이를 퍼사드 패턴을 적용해서 바꾸면 오른쪽과 같은 그림이 나온다. 클라이언트 클래스들이 퍼사드를 통해서 서브시스템에 접근하도록 한 것이다. 이때 꼭 퍼사드를 통해서만 서브시스템에 접근할 수 있어야 한다는 것은 아니다. 단지 퍼사드를 통해서 서브시스템에 접근할 수 있도록 길을 열고 그렇게 유도만 하는 것이다. 강제성이 없다는 뜻이다.  


이 패턴을 사용하는 대표적인 예가 컴파일러이다. 컴파일러는 아래와 같이 구현된다.

유용성 ( Applicability ) :

Use the Facade pattern when

· you want to provide a simple interface to a complex subsystem. Subsystems often get more complex as they evolve. Most patterns, when applied, result in more and smaller classes. This makes the subsystem more reusable and easier to customize, but it also becomes harder to use for clients that don't need to customize it. A facade can provide a simple default view of the subsystem that is good enough for most clients. Only clients needing more customizability will need to look beyond the facade.

복잡한 서브시스템에 접근할 수 있는 간단한 인터페이스를 제공하고 싶을 때 사용

· there are many dependencies between clients and the implementation classes of an abstraction. Introduce a facade to decouple the subsystem from clients and other subsystems, thereby promoting subsystem independence and portability.

서브시스템을 클라이언트 또는 다른 서브시스템으로부터 디커플시킴으로써 독립성과 휴대성(이식성)을 높이기 위해서 사용 

· you want to layer your subsystems. Use a facade to define an entry point to each subsystem level. If subsystems are dependent, then you can simplify the dependencies between them by making them communicate with each other solely through their facades.

등장 인물 ( Participants ) :

· Facade (Compiler)
o knows which subsystem classes are responsible for a request.
o delegates client requests to appropriate subsystem objects.
· subsystem classes (Scanner, Parser, ProgramNode, etc.)
o implement subsystem functionality.
o handle work assigned by the Facade object.
o have no knowledge of the facade; that is, they keep no references to it.

원리 ( Collaborations ) :

· Clients communicate with the subsystem by sending requests to Facade, which forwards them to the appropriate subsystem object(s). Although the subsystem objects perform the actual work, the facade may have to do work of its own to translate its interface to subsystem interfaces.

클라이언트는 퍼사드에 요청을 함으로써 복잡한 서브시스템에 접근한다.
· Clients that use the facade don't have to access its subsystem objects directly.

클라이언트는 복잡한 서브시스템의 객체에 직접적으로 접근할 필요가 없다. 

패턴 사용의 장단점 ( Consequences ): 

 The Facade pattern offers the following benefits:

1. It shields clients from subsystem components, thereby reducing the number of objects that clients deal with and making the subsystem easier to use. 사용자가 알아야 하는 서브시스템의 범위를 줄여준다. 

2. It promotes weak coupling between the subsystem and its clients. 1번의 이유로 사용자와 서브시스템 사이의 커플링 관계를 약화시켜준다. Often the components in a subsystem are strongly coupled. Weak coupling lets you vary the components of the subsystem without affecting its clients. Facades help layer a system and the dependencies between objects. They can eliminate complex or circular dependencies. This can be an important consequence when the client and the subsystem are implemented independently. Reducing compilation dependencies is vital in large software systems. You want to save time by minimizing recompilation when subsystem classes change. Reducing compilation dependencies with facades can limit the recompilation needed for a small change in an important subsystem. A facade can also simplify porting systems to other platforms, because it's less likely that building one subsystem requires building all others.

3. It doesn't prevent applications from using subsystem classes if they need to. 사용자가 원할 때에는 서브시스템에 직접 접근하여 내부 클래스를 사용할 수 있다.Thus you can choose between ease of use and generality.


관련 패턴들 : 

Abstract Factory can be used with Facade to provide an interface for creating subsystem objects in a subsystem-independent way. Abstract Factory can also be used as an alternative to Facade to hide platform-specific classes.
Mediator is similar to Facade in that it abstracts functionality of existing classes. However, Mediator's purpose is to abstract arbitrary communication between colleague objects, often centralizing functionality that doesn't belong in any one of them. A mediator's colleagues are aware of and communicate with the mediator instead of communicating with each other directly. In contrast, a facade merely abstracts the interface to subsystem objects to make them easier to use; it doesn't define new functionality, and subsystem classes don't know about it.
Usually only one Facade object is required. Thus Facade objects are often Singletons.

추가 정보 :  

  • Facade defines a new interface, whereas Adapter uses an old interface. Remember that Adapter makes two existing interfaces work together as opposed to defining an entirely new one.
  • Whereas Flyweight shows how to make lots of little objects, Facade shows how to make a single object represent an entire subsystem.
  • Mediator is similar to Facade in that it abstracts functionality of existing classes. Mediator abstracts/centralizes arbitrary communications between colleague objects. It routinely "adds value", and it is known/referenced by the colleague objects. In contrast, Facade defines a simpler interface to a subsystem, it doesn't add new functionality, and it is not known by the subsystem classes.
  • Abstract Factory can be used as an alternative to Facade to hide platform-specific classes.
  • Facade objects are often Singletons because only one Facade object is required.
  • Adapter and Facade are both wrappers; but they are different kinds of wrappers. The intent of Facade is to produce a simpler interface, and the intent of Adapter is to design to an existing interface. While Facade routinely wraps multiple objects and Adapter wraps a single object; Facade could front-end a single complex object and Adapter could wrap several legacy objects.
  • Facade pattern is more like a helper for client applications, it doesn’t hide subsystem interfaces from the client. Whether to use Facade or not is completely dependent on client code.
  • Facade pattern can be applied at any point of development, usually when the number of interfaces grow and system gets complex.
  • Subsystem interfaces are not aware of Facade and they shouldn’t have any reference of the Facade interface.
  • Facade pattern should be applied for similar kind of interfaces, its purpose is to provide a single interface rather than multiple interfaces that does the similar kind of jobs.
  • We can use Factory Pattern with Facade to provide better interface to client systems.

어댑터 패턴과 퍼사드 패턴의 차이점은 얼마나 많은 클래스를 wrap하느냐가 아니다. Adapter 패턴은 하나 이상의 클래스를 묶어서 클라이언트가 원하는 출력이 나오도록 하는 것이고 Facade 패턴은 클라이언트가 사용하기에는 복잡한 인터페이스를 하나로 묶고 간단한 접근경로를 제공함으로써 클라이언트가 손쉽게 복잡한 인터페이스 내부의 기능을 활용할 수 있도록 하는 것이다.





출처 :  http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/facade

Design Patterns : Element of Reusable Object Oriented Software ( by GoF, 1994 )  



 Creational Patterns ( 생성 패턴 )

These design patterns provides way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given use case. 

생성패턴은 객체의 생성로직을 숨기고 new 명령어를 통하지 않고 객체를 생성하는 방법들을 제공한다. 이는 특정 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 객체를 생성해야할지를 결정하는데 있어서 유연성을 제공한다. 

 Structural Patterns ( 구조적 패턴 )

These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities. 

구조적 패턴들은 클래스와 객체의 구성에 관여한다.


 Behavioral Patterns ( 행위적 패턴 )

These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

이 패턴들은 객체들 사이의 커뮤니케이션에 관심을 가진다.


오늘 살펴볼  Bridge 패턴은 Structural 패턴에 속한다.  


말그대로 A와 B를 연결하는 다리역할을 하는 패턴이다. 


Bridge Pattern Structure


패턴의 목적 ( Intent ) : 

Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.

브리지 패턴은 어댑터 패턴과 비슷하다고 생각할 수 있다. 하지만 그 목적이 분명히 다름을 숙지해야한다. 브리지 패턴은 추상화를 함으로써 두개를 구분짓기 위해서 사용하는 패턴이다.



패턴이 나오게 된 동기 ( Motivation ) :

When an abstraction can have one of several possible implementations, the usual way to accommodate them is to use inheritance. An abstract class defines the interface to the abstraction, and concrete subclasses implement it in different ways. But this approach isn't always flexible enough. Inheritance binds an implementation to the abstraction permanently, which makes it difficult to modify, extend, and reuse abstractions and implementations independently.
Consider the implementation of a portable Window abstraction in a user interface toolkit. This abstraction should enable us to write applications that work on both the X Window System and IBM's Presentation Manager (PM), for example. Using inheritance, we could define an abstract class Window and subclasses XWindow and PMWindow that implement the Window interface for the different platforms. But this approach has two drawbacks:

1. It's inconvenient to extend the Window abstraction to cover different kinds
of windows or new platforms. Imagine an IconWindow subclass of Window that
specializes the Window abstraction for icons. To support IconWindows for
both platforms, we have to implement two new classes, XIconWindow and
PMIconWindow. Worse, we'll have to define two classes for every kind of
window. Supporting a third platform requires yet another new Window subclass
for every kind of window.


2. It makes client code platform-dependent. Whenever a client creates a window, it instantiates a concrete class that has a specific implementation. For example, creating an XWindow object binds the Window abstraction to the X Window implementation, which makes the client code dependent on the X Window implementation. This, in turn, makes it harder to port the client code to other platforms.

Clients should be able to create a window without committing to a concrete implementation. Only the window implementation should depend on the platform on which the application runs.  Therefore client code should instantiate windows without mentioning specific platforms. 


The Bridge pattern addresses these problems by putting the Window abstraction and its implementation in separate class hierarchies. There is one class hierarchy for window interfaces (Window, IconWindow, TransientWindow) and a separate hierarchy for platform-specific window implementations, with WindowImp as its root. The XWindowImp subclass, for example, provides an implementation based on the X Window System. 


유용성 ( Applicability ) :

Use the Bridge pattern when
· you want to avoid a permanent binding between an abstraction and its implementation. This might be the case, for example, when the implementation must be selected or switched at  run-time.
· both the abstractions and their implementations should be extensible by subclassing. In this case, the Bridge pattern lets you combine the different abstractions and implementations and extend them independently.
· changes in the implementation of an abstraction should have no impact on clients; that is, their code should not have to be recompiled.
· (C++) you want to hide the implementation of an abstraction completely from clients. In C++ the representation of a class is visible in the class interface.
· you have a proliferation of classes as shown earlier in the first Motivation diagram. Such a class hierarchy indicates the need for splitting an object into two parts. Rumbaugh uses the term "nested generalizations"  to refer to such class hierarchies.
· you want to share an implementation among multiple objects (perhaps using reference counting), and this fact should be hidden from the client. A simple example is Coplien's String class , in which multiple objects can share the same string representation (StringRep).


등장 인물 ( Participants ) :

· Abstraction (Window)
o defines the abstraction's interface.
o maintains a reference to an object of type Implementor.

· RefinedAbstraction (IconWindow)
o Extends the interface defined by Abstraction.
· Implementor (WindowImp)
o defines the interface for implementation classes. This interface doesn't have to correspond exactly to Abstraction's interface; in fact the two interfaces can be quite different. Typically the
Implementor interface provides only primitive operations, and Abstraction defines higher-level operations based on these primitives.

· ConcreteImplementor (XWindowImp, PMWindowImp)
o implements the Implementor interface and defines its concrete implementation.


 All operations on Window subclasses are implemented in terms of abstract operations from the WindowImp interface. This decouples the window abstractions from the various platform-specific implementations. We refer to the relationship between Window and WindowImp as a bridge,  because it bridges the abstraction and its implementation, letting them vary independently.

원리 ( Collaborations ) :

· Abstraction forwards client requests to its Implementor object.

패턴 사용의 장단점 ( Consequences ): 

The Bridge pattern has the following consequences:

1. Decoupling interface and implementation. An implementation is not bound permanently to an interface. The implementation of an abstraction can be configured at run-time. It's even possible for an object to change its implementation at run-time.
Decoupling Abstraction and Implementor also eliminates compile-time dependencies on the implementation. Changing an implementation class doesn't require recompiling the Abstraction class and its clients. This property is essential when you must ensure binary compatibility between different versions of a class library.
Furthermore, this decoupling encourages layering that can lead to a better-structured system. The high-level part of a system only has to know about Abstraction and Implementor. 


2. Improved extensibility. You can extend the Abstraction and Implementor hierarchies independently.

3. Hiding implementation details from clients. You can shield clients from implementation details, like the sharing of implementor objects and the accompanying reference count mechanism (if any).

관련 패턴들 : 

An Abstract Factory can create and configure a particular Bridge.
The Adapter pattern
is geared toward making unrelated classes work together. It is usually applied to systems after they're designed. Bridge, on the other hand, is used up-front in a design to let abstractions and implementations vary independently.


추가 정보 :     

  • Adapter makes things work after they're designed; Bridge makes them work before they are.
  • Bridge is designed up-front to let the abstraction and the implementation vary independently. Adapter is retrofitted to make unrelated classes work together.
  • State, Strategy, Bridge (and to some degree Adapter) have similar solution structures. They all share elements of the "handle/body" idiom. They differ in intent - that is, they solve different problems.
  • The structure of State and Bridge are identical (except that Bridge admits hierarchies of envelope classes, whereas State allows only one). The two patterns use the same structure to solve different problems: State allows an object's behavior to change along with its state, while Bridge's intent is to decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.
  • If interface classes delegate the creation of their implementation classes (instead of creating/coupling themselves directly), then the design usually uses the Abstract Factory pattern to create the implementation objects.




출처 : http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/bridge

         Design Patterns : Element of Reusable Object Oriented Software ( by GoF, 1994 )


Creational Patterns ( 생성 패턴 )

These design patterns provides way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given use case. 

생성패턴은 객체의 생성로직을 숨기고 new 명령어를 통하지 않고 객체를 생성하는 방법들을 제공한다. 이는 특정 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 객체를 생성해야할지를 결정하는데 있어서 유연성을 제공한다. 

 Structural Patterns ( 구조적 패턴 )

These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities. 

구조적 패턴들은 클래스와 객체의 구성에 관여한다.


 Behavioral Patterns ( 행위적 패턴 )

These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

이 패턴들은 객체들 사이의 커뮤니케이션에 관심을 가진다.


오늘 살펴볼  Proxy 패턴은 Structural 패턴에 속한다.  

프 록시 패턴은 네트워킹을 공부해본 사람이라면 이해하기가 쉬울 것이다. 프록시가 뭔지를 알테니까 말이다. 여기서 말하는 프록시란 프록시 서버에서 말하는 그것과 동일한 개념이다. 일종의 중간연결자 역할을 하는 클래스를 만들어서, 요청이 들어오면 최초 요청일 경우 새로 생성하고 생성된 객체를 응답으로 보내고, 두번째 요청부터는 기존에 생성했던 것을 응답으로 보내는 것이다.

이해가 잘 안간다면 좀 더 자세히 알아보자. 


Proxy Pattern Structure


우선 이 클래스 다이어그램부터 이해를 해보도록 하자. 여기서 중요한 것은 RealSubject와 Proxy 그리고 Subject사이의 관계이다. 클라이언트는 Subject객체의 Request()를 호출하고 Subject객체를 받는다. RealSubject와  Proxy는 Subject를 상속하는 클래스들인데 Proxy클래스의 Request()는 경우에 따라 RealSubject의 Request()를 호출한다. RealSubject의 Request()에서는 클라이언트가 원하는 Subject객체를 반환한다.  

따라서 runtime에는 호출 순서가 아래와 같다고 할 수 있다. Proxy는 RealSubject를 가지고 있는데 이것이 null이 아닌 경우 그대로 반환하고 null인경우 RealSubject의 Request()를 요청하여 새로운 객체를 생성하고 그것을 Proxy 내부에 가지고 있게 된다.

패턴의 목적 ( Intent ) :  

Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.
프록시 패턴의 목적은 또다른 객체에 대한 접근을 컨트롤하기 위해서 그 객체를 담을 수 있는 그릇을 제공하는 것입니다.

패턴이 나오게 된 동기 ( Motivation ) :


워 드프로그램에서 사진파일을 넣게되면 로딩이 느려지는 현상이 발생할 때가 있었다. 지금이야 워낙 컴퓨터 사양이 좋아져서 그런일을 많이 보지는 못하지만 사진파일 사이즈역시 좋은 화질인 경우 상당한 사이즈를 자랑하기 때문에 무시할 수 없다. 이런 경우 페이지를 이동할 때마다 디스크에 있는 이미지 파일을 계속 요청하는 것이 아니라 한번만 요청하여 프록시에 가지고 있다가 다시 요청이 들어오면 프록시에서 이미지를 가져와서 디스플레이 해주는 방식이 필요하게 된 것이다. 이런식으로 속도의 향상을 꿰한것이다. 아래 그림은 디스크에 있는 이미지 파일에서 데이타를 읽어와서 메모리에 상주하는 프록시에 넣고 문서에서 이에 접근하는 것을 보여주고있다.


위에서 봤던 클래스 다이어그램에 문서프로그램의 예를 적용시켜 본 것이다. ImageProxy의 우측을 보면 image가 0인지를 판별하고 0일경우 Image를 가져와서 보여준다는 것을 알려주는 간략한 소스가 보인다.



유용성 ( Applicability ) :


Proxy is applicable whenever there is a need for a more versatile or sophisticated reference to an object than a simple pointer. Here are several common situations in which the Proxy pattern is applicable:  

프록시 패턴은 아래와 같은 상황에서 유용합니다.

1. A remote proxy provides a local representative for an object in a different address space. NEXTSTEP [Add94] uses the class NXProxy for this purpose. Coplien [Cop92] calls this kind of proxy an "Ambassador."

2. A virtual proxy creates expensive objects on demand. The ImageProxy described in the Motivation is an example of such a proxy.

3. A protection proxy controls access to the original object. Protection proxies are useful when objects should have different access rights. For example, KernelProxies in the Choices operating system [CIRM93] provide protected access to operating system objects.

4. A smart reference is a replacement for a bare pointer that performs additional actions when an object is accessed. Typical uses include

o counting the number of references to the realobject so that it can be freed automatically when there are no more references (also called smart pointers [Ede92]).

o loading a persistent object into memory when it's first referenced.  

o checking that the realobject is locked before it's accessed to ensure that no other object can change it.


등장 인물 ( Participants ) :

Proxy (ImageProxy) 

o maintainsareferencethatletstheproxyaccesstherealsubject.

Proxy may refer to a Subject if the RealSubject and Subject interfaces are the same.

o provides an interface identical to Subject's so that a proxy can by substituted for the real subject.

o controls access to the real subject and may be responsible for creating and deleting it.

o other responsibilities depend on the kind of proxy:

ß remote proxies are responsible for encoding a request and its arguments and for sending the encoded request to the real

subject in a different address space.
ß virtual proxies may cache additional information about the real subject so that they can postpone accessing it. For example, the ImageProxy from the Motivation caches the real image's extent.

ß protection proxies check that the caller has the access permissions required to perform a request.

Subject (Graphic)

o defines the common interface for RealSubject and Proxy so that a Proxy can be used anywhere a RealSubject is expected.

RealSubject (Image)

o defines the real object that the proxy represents.

원리 ( Collaborations ) :

Proxy forwards requests to RealSubject when appropriate, depending on the kind of proxy.

패턴 사용의 장단점 ( Consequences ): 


The Proxy pattern introduces a level of indirection when accessing an object. The additional indirection has many uses, depending on the kind of proxy:

  1. A remote proxy can hide the fact that an object resides in a different address space.

  2. A virtual proxy can perform optimizations such as creating an object on demand.

  3. Both protection proxies and smart references allow additional house keeping tasks when an object is accessed.

There's another optimization that the Proxy pattern can hide from the client. It's called copy-on-write, and it's related to creation on demand. Copying a large and complicated object can be an expensive operation. If the copy is never modified, then there's no need to incur this cost. By using a proxy to postpone the copying process, we ensure that we pay the price of copying the object only if it's modified.


To make copy-on-write work, the subject must be reference counted. Copying the proxy will do nothing more than increment this reference count. Only when the client requests an operation that modifies the subject does the proxy actually copy it. In that case the proxy must also decrement the subject's reference count. When the reference count goes to zero, the subject gets deleted.

Copy-on-write can reduce the cost of copying heavyweight subjects significantly.


관련 패턴들 : 


Adapter : An adapter provides a different interface to the object it adapts. In contrast, a proxy provides the same interface as its subject. However, a proxy used for access protection might refuse to perform an operation that the subject will perform, so its interface may be effectively a subset of the subject's.

Decorator : Although decorators can have similar implementations as proxies, decorators have a different purpose. A decorator adds one or more responsibilities to an object, whereas a proxy controls access to an object.


Proxies vary in the degree to which they are implemented like a decorator. A protection proxy might be implemented exactly like a decorator. On the other hand, a remote proxy will not contain a direct reference to its real subject but only an indirect reference, such as "host ID and local address on host." A virtual proxy will start off with an indirect reference such as a file name but will eventually obtain and use a direct reference.



추가 정보 :   

  • Adapter provides a different interface to its subject. Proxy provides the same interface. Decorator provides an enhanced interface.
  • Decorator and Proxy have different purposes but similar structures. Both describe how to provide a level of indirection to another object, and the implementations keep a reference to the object to which they forward requests.



프록시 패턴을 사용한 간단한 예제입니다.


interface Image { public void displayImage(); } //on System A class RealImage implements Image { private String filename; public RealImage(String filename) { this.filename = filename; loadImageFromDisk(); } private void loadImageFromDisk() { System.out.println("Loading " + filename); } public void displayImage() { System.out.println("Displaying " + filename); } } //on System B class ProxyImage implements Image { private String filename; private Image image; public ProxyImage(String filename) { this.filename = filename; } public void displayImage() { if (image == null) { image = new RealImage(filename); } image.displayImage(); } } class ProxyExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Image image1 = new ProxyImage("HiRes_10MB_Photo1"); Image image2 = new ProxyImage("HiRes_10MB_Photo2"); image1.displayImage(); // loading necessary image2.displayImage(); // loading necessary
image1.displayImage(); // loading unnecessary image2.displayImage(); // loading unnecessary } }

또 다른 목적( 리눅스에서 권한에 따라 명령어 실행을 막거나 통과시키는)으로 사용된 프록시 패턴의 예제는 아래 링크에서 보실 수 있습니다.



출처 :  http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/proxy

Design Patterns : Element of Reusable Object Oriented Software ( by GoF, 1994 )  


Creational Patterns ( 생성 패턴 )

These design patterns provides way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given use case. 

생성패턴은 객체의 생성로직을 숨기고 new 명령어를 통하지 않고 객체를 생성하는 방법들을 제공한다. 이는 특정 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 객체를 생성해야할지를 결정하는데 있어서 유연성을 제공한다. 

 Structural Patterns ( 구조적 패턴 )

These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities. 

구조적 패턴들은 클래스와 객체의 구성에 관여한다.


 Behavioral Patterns ( 행위적 패턴 )

These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

이 패턴들은 객체들 사이의 커뮤니케이션에 관심을 가진다.


오늘 살펴볼  Decorator 패턴은 Structural 패턴에 속한다.  이 패턴은 컴포지트 패턴과 비슷한 다이어그램을 가지고 있다. 


Decorator Pattern Structure

패턴의 목적 ( Intent ) : 

 Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.

 동적으로 객체에 책임(꾸밈)을 추가한다. 데코레이터는 기능을 확장하기 위한 subclassing이 아닌 다른 유동적인 방법을 제공한다. 

패턴이 나오게 된 동기 ( Motivation ) :

일반적으로 간단한 프로젝트가 아닌 이상 하나의 클래스 내에서 모든 것을 해결하는 일은 거의 없다. 유지보수를 위해서라도 기능별로 클래스를 나누게 되는데 데코레이터 패턴도 이런 식의 생각에서 나오게 된 것이다. 그래서 상속을 사용하게 되기도 하는데 이는 매우 기본적인 방법이며 flexible하지 않고 정적이다. 따라서 동적으로 기능확장이 용이하도록 한 것이 바로 이 데코레이터 패턴이다. 아래 그림은 TextView에 ScrollDecorator와 BorderDecorator를 이용하여 책임(꾸밈)을 추가한 결과이다.


유용성 ( Applicability ) :

Use Decorator

데코레이터 패턴은 아래와 같은 상황에서 유용하다.

· to add responsibilities to individual objects dynamically and transparently, that is, without affecting other objects.

다른 객체에 영향을 주지 않고 동적으로 투명하게 독립적인 객체들을 추가할 때
· for responsibilities that can be withdrawn.

철회가 가능한 책임(꾸밈)을 추가하고 싶을 때
· when extension by subclassing is impractical. Sometimes a large number of independent extensions are possible and would produce an explosion of subclasses to support every combination. Or a class definition may be hidden or otherwise unavailable for subclassing. 

서브클래싱으로 기능확장하는 것이 비실용적일 때

등장 인물 ( Participants ) :

· Component (VisualComponent)
o defines the interface for objects that can have responsibilities added to them dynamically.

동적으로 추가되는 책임을 가질 수 있는 객체를 위한 인터페이스를 정의한다.
· ConcreteComponent (TextView)
o defines an object to which additional responsibilities can be attached.

추가적인 책임을 가질 수 있는 객체를 정의한다.
· Decorator
o maintains a reference to a Component object and defines an interface that conforms to Component's interface.

이 패턴의 메인이다. 컴포넌트 객체의 레퍼런스를 가지고 있으며, 컴포넌트와 조화를 이루는 인터페이스를 정의한다.
· ConcreteDecorator (BorderDecorator, ScrollDecorator)
o adds responsibilities to the component.

컴포넌트에 책임을 부과한다. 

원리 ( Collaborations ) :

· Decorator forwards requests to its Component object. It may optionally perform additional operations before and after forwarding the request.

패턴 사용의 장단점 ( Consequences ): 

The Decorator pattern has at least two key benefits and two liabilities:


1. More flexibility than static inheritance. 정적인 상속보다 훨씬 유동적이다. The Decorator pattern provides a more flexible way to add responsibilities to objects than can be had with static (multiple) inheritance. With decorators, responsibilities can be added and removed at run-time simply by attaching and detaching them. In contrast, inheritance requires creating a new class for each additional responsibility (e.g., BorderedScrollableTextView, BorderedTextView). This gives rise to many classes and increases the complexity of a system.
Furthermore, providing different Decorator classes for a specific Component class lets you mix and match responsibilities.
Decorators also make it easy to add a property twice. For example, to give a TextView a double border, simply attach two BorderDecorators. Inheriting from a Border class twice is error-prone at best.

2. Avoids feature-laden classes high up in the hierarchy. Decorator offers a pay-as-you-go approach to adding responsibilities. Instead of trying to support all foreseeable features in a complex, customizable class, you can define a simple class and add functionality incrementally with Decorator objects. Functionality can be composed from simple pieces. As a result, an application needn't pay for features it doesn't use. It's also easy to define new kinds of Decorators independently from the classes of objects
they extend, even for unforeseen extensions. Extending a complex class tends to expose details unrelated to the responsibilities you're adding.

3. A decorator and its component aren't identical. A decorator acts as a transparent enclosure. But from an object identity point of view, a decorated component is not identical to the component itself. Hence you shouldn't rely on object identity when you use decorators.

4. Lots of little objects. A design that uses Decorator often results in systems composed of lots of little objects that all look alike. The objects differ only in the way they are interconnected, not in their class or in the value of their variables. Although these systems are easy to customize by those who understand them, they can be hard to learn and debug. 


관련 패턴들 : 

Adapter : A decorator is different from an adapter in that a decorator only changes an object's responsibilities, not its interface; an adapter will give an object a completely new interface. 

 Composite : A decorator can be viewed as a degenerate composite with only one component. However, a decorator adds additional responsibilities—it isn't intended for object aggregation.
Strategy : A decorator lets you change the skin of an object; a strategy lets you change the guts. These are two alternative ways of changing an object.

추가 정보 :  

  • Adapter provides a different interface to its subject. Proxy provides the same interface. Decorator provides an enhanced interface.
  • Adapter changes an object's interface, Decorator enhances an object's responsibilities. Decorator is thus more transparent to the client. As a consequence, Decorator supports recursive composition, which isn't possible with pure Adapters.
  • Composite and Decorator have similar structure diagrams, reflecting the fact that both rely on recursive composition to organize an open-ended number of objects.
  • A Decorator can be viewed as a degenerate Composite with only one component. However, a Decorator adds additional responsibilities - it isn't intended for object aggregation.
  • Decorator is designed to let you add responsibilities to objects without subclassing. Composite's focus is not on embellishment but on representation. These intents are distinct but complementary. Consequently, Composite and Decorator are often used in concert.
  • Composite could use Chain of Responsibility to let components access global properties through their parent. It could also use Decorator to override these properties on parts of the composition.
  • Decorator and Proxy have different purposes but similar structures. Both describe how to provide a level of indirection to another object, and the implementations keep a reference to the object to which they forward requests.
  • Decorator lets you change the skin of an object. Strategy lets you change the guts.
  • Decorator pattern is helpful in providing runtime modification abilities and hence more flexible. Its easy to maintain and extend when the number of choices are more.
  • The disadvantage of decorator pattern is that it uses a lot of similar kind of objects (decorators).
    데코레이터 패턴의 단점은 유사한 데코레이터 객체가 많아질 수 있다는 점이다.
  • Decorator pattern is used a lot in Java IO classes, such as FileReader, BufferedReader etc.
    데코레이터 패턴은 FileReader나 BufferedReader와 같은 Java IO 클래스들에서 많이 사용되고 있다.


출처 :  http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/decorator

Design Patterns : Element of Reusable Object Oriented Software ( by GoF, 1994 )  





실생활을 예로 든 좋은 예제는 아래에서 확인하기 바란다.


 Creational Patterns ( 생성 패턴 )

These design patterns provides way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given use case. 

생성패턴은 객체의 생성로직을 숨기고 new 명령어를 통하지 않고 객체를 생성하는 방법들을 제공한다. 이는 특정 상황에서 어떤 방법으로 객체를 생성해야할지를 결정하는데 있어서 유연성을 제공한다. 

 Structural Patterns ( 구조적 패턴 )

These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities. 

구조적 패턴들은 클래스와 객체의 구성에 관여한다.


 Behavioral Patterns ( 행위적 패턴 )

These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

이 패턴들은 객체들 사이의 커뮤니케이션에 관심을 가진다.


오늘 살펴볼  Adapter 패턴은 Structural 패턴에 속한다.  


어 댑터가 뭐냐? 우리가 맨날 쓰는 그 어댑터가 바로 지금 말하고자하는 어댑터이다. 어댑터의 역할이 뭐냐? 서로 맞물리지 않는 두개의 객체를 연결시켜주는 일을 하는 것이 어댑터의 역할이다. 이 생각을 가지고 아래 내용을 훑어보기 바란다.


Adapter Pattern Structure

 A class adapter uses multiple inheritance to adapt one interface to another:

클래스 어댑터는 하나의 인터페이스를 다른 인터페이스와 연결시키기 위해서 다중상속을 이용한다.



An object adapter relies on object composition:

객체 어댑터는 객체의 구성에 의존한다. ( 뭔 말인지 모르겠다 일단 넘어가자 )


패턴의 목적 ( Intent ) : 

Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.

어댑터 패턴의 목적은 클라이언트가 원하는 인터페이스를 제공하기 위해서 클래스의 형태를 변형하는 것이다.(이는 서로 연결을 시켜줌으로써 아웃풋을 변형한다는 의미이지 실제로 변형한다는 의미가 아니다) 어댑터는 서로 맞물리지 않는 인터페이스들을 서로 연결시켜주는 역할을 한다.



패턴이 나오게 된 동기 ( Motivation ) :

예 를 들어 이런 경우가 있을 것이다. 고객이 원하는 기능을 구현을 했다고 하자. 이 기능은 인풋으로 A객체를 받아들이고 아웃풋으로 X객체를 던지며 고객이 만든 API와 연결이 된다. 그런데 얼마가 지나서 고객이 인풋으로 Y객체를 달라고 한다. 그런데 전에 만들어 줬던 기능의 일부분만 Y객체를 아웃풋으로 내보내야 한다는 것이다. 당신이라면 어떻게 해결할 것인가? 물론 생각해야할 인자들이 무수히 많을 것이고 그것들에 따라 해결책도 다를 것이다. 여기서는 그 중 하나의 해결책으로 어댑터 패턴을 말하고자 한다. A -> DoSomething -> X 기능을 하는 기능은 여전히 존재해야만 하며 DoSomething -> Y 기능을 추가해야한다. 하지만 이 두가지는 엄연히 동일한 기능을 한다고 가정한다. 어댑터 패턴을 이용해야하니까. 그러면 우리는 A -> DoSomething -> X -> Y 가 될 수 있게끔 X -> Y 기능을 하는 어댑터를 추가하면 된다.


쉽게말하자면소켓에 맞는 어댑터를 추가하는 것이다. 아래 그림처럼 말이다.



유용성 ( Applicability ) :

Use the Adapter pattern when
· you want to use an existing class, and its interface does not match the one you need.

기존의 클래스를 사용하고 싶지만 내가 필요로 하는 형태가 아닐때
· you want to create a reusable class that cooperates with unrelated or unforeseen classes, that is, classes that don't necessarily have compatible interfaces.

특정 호환성을 가진 클래스가 아닌 광범위한 호환성을 가진 재사용가능한 클래스를 만들고 싶을때
· (object adapter only) you need to use several existing subclasses, but it's impractical to adapt their interface by subclassing every one. An object adapter can adapt the interface of its parent class.


등장 인물 ( Participants ) :

· Target (Shape)o defines the domain-specific interface that Client uses.
· Client (DrawingEditor)
o collaborates with objects conforming to the Target interface.
· Adaptee (TextView)
o defines an existing interface that needs adapting.
· Adapter (TextShape)
o adapts the interface of Adaptee to the Target interface.


원리 ( Collaborations ) : 

· Clients call operations on an Adapter instance. In turn, the adapter calls Adaptee operations that carry out the request.

패턴 사용의 장단점 ( Consequences ): 

Class and object adapters have different trade-offs.  

클래스 어댑터와 객체어댑터는 서로의 장단점이 있다.  

A class adapter  

· adapts Adaptee to Target by committing to a concrete Adapter class. As a consequence, a class adapter won't work when we want to adapt a class and all its subclasses.

· lets Adapter override some of Adaptee's behavior, since Adapter is a subclass of Adaptee.
· introduces only one object, and no additional pointer indirection is needed to get to the adaptee.


An object adapter
· lets a single Adapter work with many Adaptees—that is, the Adaptee itself and all of its subclasses (if any). The Adapter can also add functionality to all Adaptees at once.
· makes it harder to override Adaptee behavior. It will require subclassing Adaptee and making Adapter refer to the subclass rather than the Adaptee itself.

관련 패턴들 : 

Bridge has a structure similar to an object adapter, but Bridge has a different intent: It is meant to separate an interface from its implementation so that they can be varied easily and  independently. An adapter is meant to change the interface of an existing object.
enhances another object without changing its interface. A decorator is thus more transparent to the application than an adapter is. As a consequence, Decorator supports  recursive composition, which isn't possible with pure adapters.
defines a representative or surrogate for another object and does not change its interface.


추가 정보 :     

  • Adapter makes things work after they're designed; Bridge makes them work before they are.
  • Bridge is designed up-front to let the abstraction and the implementation vary independently. Adapter is retrofitted to make unrelated classes work together.
  • Adapter provides a different interface to its subject. Proxy provides the same interface. Decorator provides an enhanced interface.
  • Adapter is meant to change the interface of an existing object. Decorator enhances another object without changing its interface. Decorator is thus more transparent to the application than an adapter is. As a consequence, Decorator supports recursive composition, which isn't possible with pure Adapters.
  • Facade defines a new interface, whereas Adapter reuses an old interface. Remember that Adapter makes two existing interfaces work together as opposed to defining an entirely new one.




출처 : http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/adapter

         Design Patterns : Element of Reusable Object Oriented Software ( by GoF, 1994 )