단축키 (3)

💻 Programming/Computer General

맥(Mac) 스크린샷 단축키

맨날 까먹어서 아예 포스팅해버립니다. 또 까먹을까봐 ㅜㅜ

Mac에서 스크린샷 찍는 단축키입니다.

command + shift + 3 : 전체화면을 스크린샷 

command + shift + 4 + sapce + window클릭 : 선택한 어플리케이션 영역을 스크린샷
command + shift + 4 + 마우스로영역지정 : 마우스로지정한 영역만 스크린샷

Android Studio 단축키 모음집입니다.

참고로 안드로이드 스튜디오가 인텔리J기반이라는 건 다들 아시죠?

그래서 인텔리J와 단축키도 동일합니다.

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첨부파일은 윈도우 버전과 Mac OS 버전 두가지로 나뉘어져 있습니다.



💻 Programming

안드로이드 스튜디오 단축키

Keyboard Commands

The following tables list keyboard shortcuts for common operations.

Note: This section lists Android Studio keyboard shortcuts for the default keymap. To change the default keymap on Windows and Linux, go to File > Settings > Keymap. If you're using Mac OS X, update your keymap to use the Mac OS X 10.5+ version keymaps under Android Studio > Preferences > Keymap.

Table 1. Programming key commands

ActionAndroid Studio Key Command
Command look-up (autocomplete command name) CTRL + SHIFT + A
Project quick fix ALT + ENTER
Reformat code CTRL + ALT + L (Win)
OPTION + CMD + L (Mac)
Show docs for selected API CTRL + Q (Win)
F1 (Mac)
Show parameters for selected method CTRL + P
Generate method ALT + Insert (Win)
CMD + N (Mac)
Jump to source F4 (Win)
CMD + down-arrow (Mac)
Delete line CTRL + Y (Win)
CMD + Backspace (Mac)
Search by symbol name CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + N (Win)
OPTION + CMD + O (Mac)

Table 2. Project and editor key commands

ActionAndroid Studio Key Command
Build CTRL + F9 (Win)
CMD + F9 (Mac)
Build and run SHIFT + F10 (Win)
CTRL + R (Mac)
Toggle project visibility ALT + 1 (Win)
CMD + 1 (Mac)
Navigate open tabs ALT + left-arrow; ALT + right-arrow (Win)
CTRL + left-arrow; CTRL + right-arrow (Mac)

For a complete keymap reference guide, see the IntelliJ IDEA documentation.

출처 : http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/studio-tips.html